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Sheep's Clothing
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{A small shop with a BIG inventory}
{A small shop with a BIG inventory}
Studio & Class Pass
Class Pass -
- Can be used for any open seat in a scheduled class. (must call ahead)
- Projects must be appropriate for the class seat. (ie. No restrictions in "Project Class", as it a no rules class; A seat in a Brioche hat class should be either a brioche or hat project)
Studio Pass -
- Can be used for any open studio seat, no need to call ahead, but is on a first come, first seat basis, max of 8.
- No restrictions on projects or skill.
Unlimited Pass -
- Can be used for any open seat in a scheduled class. (must call ahead)
- Projects must be appropriate for the class seat. (ie. No restrictions in "Project Class", as it a no rules class; A seat in a Brioche hat class should be either a brioche or hat project)
- Can be used for any open studio seat, no need to call ahead, but is on a first come, first seat basis, max of 8.
- No restrictions on projects or skill.